Thursday, July 8, 2010

Orange-Mango Smoothie

For those of you who live in or around Montreal, you KNOW what I'm talking about when I say: HOOOOOOOOOOLLLYYYYYYY CRAP IT'S HOOOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!

Seriously, it's like 40+ with the humidex, and if you don't have AC, like me, and don't have a pool(appartment on a second floor in the city...), this heat is suffocating. You gotta find ways to stay cool, and eating in this heat is not very enjoyable. I don't wanna turn on the oven, or even one element, even the microwave has been silent for the past 4 days. Now, everybody will say you have to eat spicy foods, that's what they do in hot countries, I know...but I live in Canada. I don't particularly like this heat and I especially don't wanna eat anything hot or spicy!

So I'm relying on my trusted friend the blender and drinking shakes. Salads and light sandwiches also. Later. This morning I needed that cold drink.

1/2 cup frozen mango
1 cup orange juice (might be a little more...)
1 BIG scoop vanilla FROZEN yogurt
2-3 TBSP instant milk powder

Blend Blend Blend...
Slurp slowly to prevent brain freeze...

It tastes almost like a creamsicle...

This heat wave is supposed to end this week-end...let's hope so...

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